On Friday, September 15, 2023, St. Malachy Catholic School modelled the TCDSB virtue of hospitality to Alumnus, Deputy Mayor Jennifer McKelvie who spoke to Grade 5 Learning Equity Academics and Discipleship (L.E.A.D.) students about Municipal Government. Students and staff appreciated the Scarborough Rouge Park Councillor for sharing her in-depth knowledge of the inner workings of Toronto City Hall, as well as the important ways the school community can support the environment and the land which are extremely valuable resources for protecting our planet.
Deputy Mayor McKelvie also shared her experiences during her time as a geoscientist with students and answered student questions as both a scientist with her PhD experience and in relation to her political career.
The school community was extremely grateful that she shared her Quebecois Heritage and Great Grandmother’s Indigenous experience as we reach closer to National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on September 29, 2023. It was indeed a pleasure to hear career advice from Deputy Mayor McKelvie to students on “doing what you love”. She also highlighted her involvement with the Toronto Zoo by discussing the launch of the new Orangutan Outdoor Habitat and the upcoming 50th Anniversary of the Scarborough Civic Centre in October.
As a school focused on Leadership in Learning Equity Academics and Discipleship, the school thanks Deputy Mayor McKelvie for “Leading by Example”.

Deputy Mayor McKelvie Inspired Grade 5 L.E.A.D Learners at St. Malachy Catholic School
September 18, 2023