About Us
St. Malachy Catholic School is a welcoming and inclusive community. At St. Malachy, we "Walk with Christ" with kindness and love. We L.E.A.D. Learners: Learning Equity Academics and Discipleship.

We Lead. We Lead by example. We Lead Change.
We aim to build leadership in our students by allowing them to learn and lead, and lead to learn. Like Christ our leader in faith, we hope that every child will model Christ-like behavior.
At St. Malachy, we look forward to working with all children. We strive to provide our students with a year filled with interesting educational learning experiences and activities to challenge and stimulate them on their learning journey. Together with our Catholic School Parent Council (CSPC) and Parish, we aim to make a positive difference to your child's life, one they will cherish forever.
In addition to the regular school subjects taught, our school provides:
Student Emotional Learning (SEL).
Physical and health education with support for health and well-being.
Science Technology Engineering Arts Mathematics (STEAM).
Vocal music (itinerant teacher) Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6.
Instrumental music in g
rades 7 and 8.
Special education for those in need.
Gifted education for identified students (weekly program) at St. Rose of Lima Catholic School.
Our staff and resource personnel support student learning and foster success with accommodations and modifications.
Our L.E.A.D. Learner extracurricular opportunities include athletics, the arts, Chess, W5H and Ultimate Science at recesses for all students to participate in fun and friendly competition. Our school teams in track and field, softball, soccer, volleyball, and basketball continue to perform well in local and regional competition. Our caring and supportive staff build healthy relationships as members of the community.
St. Malachy Catholic School is the hidden gem in the city!
- Your Partner in Education, St. Malachy Community
School History and Tradition
St. Malachy Catholic School opened in September 1969, in portables at St. Martin de Porres School, with eight teachers and 225 students. The school moved to its permanent site in March 1979, which was formerly owned by Arthur and Emma Bennett, and was farmland used for mixed farming and raising hogs. The Metropolitan Separate School Board (MSSB) - now the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) - purchased the site on July 8, 1954 and construction of the school began during the summer of 1969. Mrs. Mary Michell was the first principal of the school, and was instrumental in establishing an Irish flavour to the school.
Our school is named after the first Irishman who became a legal saint, Mael Maedoc Ua Morgair. Born in 1095 in Northern Ireland, Malachy was raised in a very religious and highly moral home where he learned obedience, self-discipline and fair play. As Bishop of Connor, he brought faith back to the people through kindness and wholesome severity. St. Malachy's feast day is celebrated each year with readings, the St. Malachy Song, and with everyone wearing the school colours: green, white and orange.