Math online
Challenges set by teacher

Leading Learning Links
The St. Malachy school day consists of nine 30-minute periods from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM with two 15-minute breaks (1:00 AM and 1:00 PM) and a 20-minute lunch with 40-minute lunch recess. Keeping in mind a student’s age plays a role in their ability to attend to tasks. Students and their families can benefit from maintaining some routine during school closures.
To support learning outside school, we are sharing activities. You may also find additional materials through the student access at St. Malachy in the Google classroom and/or logins provided annually by staff.
Parents Can Help their Children
One of the best ways parents and guardians can help their children do well in Math is to adopt a positive attitude towards the subject. Talk about how you use Math in your jobs, around the house, on road trips, buying groceries, paying taxes, budgeting, and doing home improvements. Play games and puzzles with your children such as Yahtzee, cribbage, Pentago, Kanoodle, Tantrix, Farkle, Blokus, Shut the Box, dominoes, chess, and any card game. Look for opportunities to get your children to measure things such as ingredients for baking, materials for building, their height and their weight.
Further ideas can be found at the following:
Tech Time

Knowledgehook Mathalon

To log in and register, you'll need your Ontario Education Number (OEN), found at the top of your report card near your name.
Tutoring Programs for Students

TVOKids Homework Zone
Homework Zone is a TVO segment that invites students to call or email questions to a teacher who provides answers, solutions, and tips on air. The focus of the segment is on literacy, math and science, and an archive of the videos is made available online for students, parents and educators.

TVO Learn
• Over 2100 curriculum-aligned, grade and subject-specific learning activities from kindergarten to Grade 8 (including for the new Science and Technology curriculum).
• Grade 9 to 12 searchable high school content for over 140 secondary school courses.

TVO Learn Mathify
• Grades 4 to 12 students will have access to free, live math tutoring by Ontario Certified Teachers (Grade 12 is a new addition this year).
• Free tutoring Available 7 days a week, Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM ET, and Saturday and Sunday, 3:00 PM to 9:00 PM ET.

Eurêka (SOS Devoirs)
SOS Devoirs, which is operated by TFO, provides tutoring services and educational resources such as dictionaries and multimedia learning objects to French-language students from Grades 1 to 12. Students can get help in any subject matter from specialized teachers via chat, by phone and by e-mail. SOS Devoirs' tutoring services are available Monday to Thursday, from 3:30 PM to 9 PM, during the school year.