Our School
Code of Behaviour
St. John Henry Newman Catholic School has a mandate to create and promote a distinct way of life based on the Gospels. In carrying out this mandate, St. John Henry Newman Catholic High School goes beyond being an educational institute whose prime concerns are social and academic; it is a Christ-centered community in a special setting.
St. John Henry Newman Catholic High School recognizes the self-worth and integrity of the individual, as well as a sense of belonging to the school community. At Newman, every student has the right to learn and no person has the right to disrupt the learning of others. All students are expected to act and speak with courtesy and with respect for the ideas, rights and property of others.
By choosing to come to St. John Henry Newman Catholic High School you are making a statement about the kind of education you want—a Catholic education. We gather at specific times of the year as a Christian community to make a public affirmation of our Faith. Respect for the religious dimension of this Catholic school, and the beliefs and sensibilities of its students and staff implies that:
You attend all masses and paraliturgies and do so respectfully, remembering that we are celebrating our Faith at these ceremonies.
You listen respectfully to morning prayers each day and, if you are not in class, you stop in the corridor during prayers.
You show respect for religious symbols and artifacts throughout the school.
In choosing a Catholic School, you choose to participate in the Religion Program. St. John Henry Newman Catholic High School offers compulsory religion credits; this is a special characteristic of Catholic education. Should difficulty develop in this regard, it will be necessary to review your continuation at Cardinal Newman.
Our Code of Behaviour has been developed to encourage, develop and support this reality. It is also developed in conjunction with government legislation and the school Board’s policies on Safe Schools. The TCDSB Code of Conduct is to be read together with the Violence Prevention Policy and all related TCDSB policies which are available in their full versions at the Board web site. The TCDSB Code of Conduct also recognizes the importance of progressive discipline which focuses on prevention and early intervention as the key to maintaining a positive school environment.
The Safe School Act
In the spring of 2007, Bill 212 was passed into law and took effect on Feb 1, 2008.
Roles and Responsibilities
The TCDSB Code of Conduct recognizes that all members of the school community, including pupils, teachers, principals, parents, staff superintendents, senior board staff, board personnel, trustees have an obligation to comply with the standards of behaviour outlined in this policy. Each member of the school community (including all persons who come in contact with or have an impact on school life, e.g. co-op employers, crossing guards, permit holders, bus drivers, service providers, guests, volunteers, delivery personnel) has the following roles and responsibilities: