An illustration with light blue background and yellow tree in the middle.
An illustration with red background. Virtue of the Month - Courage is written on the image.
An illustration of Director Browne with 6 students in the background - Director's Annual Report 2023-2024 written on the picture.
Photo of Trustee Kennedy with Notre Dame students and staff
An image consists of a red background with 'Virtue of the Month - Charity' written on it.
11 girls posing on grass with Notre Dame jerseys
An illustration with people confused about where to ask questions. The following text appears on the image - Have a question? Here's who to contact.
An illustration with TCDSB logo and 'Virtue of the Month - Peacemaking' written on it.
A poster that reads October is Latin Hispanic Canadian Heritage Month
An image consists of an orange ribbon with 'October is ADHD Awareness Month' written on it.
An image of with red background with 'October is Autism Awareness Month' written on it.
A group of students wearing Vyshyvankas smiling at the camera.
An image consists of a group of 8 students wearing white uniform.
An image of the Catholic Education Centre building entrance with Top Scholars 2023-2024 written on it.
An image of a female holding and reading her mobile phone.
Photo of parents and guardians at the workshop listening to the guest speakers
Photo of Notre Dame students petting the dog while their staff moderator looks on
An image of Jesus pointing his finger at his heart.
An illustration with 3 people dancing and celebrating in the background. The following text appears on top of the background image: All my relations. June is Indigenous History Month.
An image consists of 3 pictures: left picture includes 2 students speaking at a Filipino Canadian Heritage Month event; middle picture has a group of students celebrating Italian Canadian Heritage Month; right picture has 2 students singing and celebrating Portuguese Canadian Heritage Month.