Parent Council
Parents and guardians play a significant role in ensuring the success of our students. Notre Dame's Catholic School Parent Council (CSPC) provides a forum through which parents and the community can have a voice in the high school education of their daughters.
Members consist of school administration (Principal or Vice Principal), Teacher representation, Student Council members and parents who want to understand some of the everyday issues/events taking place at Notre Dame.
Get Involved!
While elementary CSPC often has a huge attendance, at the secondary school level, there seems to be a drop off in parent involvement for obvious age-related reasons. That being said, what a great way to have some additional insight into the daily life of your teenager.
We try to keep meetings to approximately one hour and we discuss and debate agenda items that are submitted in advance. These include everything from building issues and administration requests to cafeteria questions and uniform concerns - a huge variety of topics of interest to both administration and parents alike.
CSPC is not a forum for fundraising, and there is no obligation or pressure to attend or participate in all meetings. We encourage you to review the upcoming agenda to determine if there is a topic of interest to you or your daughter. Minutes from each meeting will be posted on the Notre Dame website following Council approval.
Your daughter is awarded a dress down day the day after each meeting you attend. This is our way of thanking you for your time.
Meeting Dates
Our CSPC meetings take place in the library at Notre Dame approximately six times per calendar year. Meeting dates are set for the year. Please check the school calendar and join us whenever you can.
CSPC Agendas and Minutes
For archived minutes, contact the parent council or school principal.