Academics and Co-Curriculars
The secret to success in secondary school, as well as in life, seems to involve a high degree of active participation. At Monsignor Percy Johnson Catholic Secondary School, we offer a full range of student leadership, athletic, cultural, and religiously-oriented co-curricular programs which should give all students an opportunity to participate.
It is the policy of Monsignor Percy Johnson that academics are of primary importance to all students. Our school strives to have all athletic and co-curricular activities comprised of students who are keeping up with their studies, and who represent our school in a consistently dignified and respectful manner. Students must conform to the policies that govern each respective co-curricular activity.
In athletics, in addition to intramurals, we will offer varsity girls’ teams in cross country, basketball, volleyball, track, softball, soccer, and badminton. In varsity boys’ sports, we will offer cross country, basketball, volleyball, track, hockey, soccer, badminton and softball.
All students are encouraged to participate in the various student leadership opportunities and programs at Monsignor Percy Johnson. These include the Johnson Leadership Team (JLT), Student Council, Peer Facilitators (P.F.), and Chaplaincy Team. The English and Drama Departments organize a number of theatre trips. A range of activities such as math club, drama club, and the school yearbook are also offered. The Chaplaincy program offers our students the opportunity to assist in developing liturgy as well as participation in retreat programs, prayer session, and various sharing programs at Christmas, Thanksgiving, and for ShareLife.
The key operative words at Johnson are PARTICIPATION and LEADERSHIP.