Dress Code
All Monsignor Percy Johnson Catholic Secondary School students must wear black dress pants from McCarthy Uniforms. Female students may wear the uniform kilt in place of black dress pants.
All students must wear all black shoes with their school uniform. These are defined as being:
All black with no other colour present (no logos, stripes or markings allowed on the upper and/or sole of the shoe).
Low cut (below the ankle).
Low-heeled (no more than two inches high at the heel to the base of the shoe).
Made of leather or leather and cloth.
Without openings (no open areas, no sling backs, no open toes).
Dress shoes or all-black running shoes.
Kilts must be worn at a modest length with either navy tights or navy knee-high socks.
A few points of clarification:
Jackets, coats, hats, hoodies must be removed at the door when arriving at school.
Nothing (chains, bandannas, earbuds, etc.) is permitted to hang from pockets.
All electronic devices must be turned off at the door when arriving at school.
Only plain white short-sleeved T-shirts may be worn under white uniform golf shirt. Only navy or dark blue T-shirts may be worn under the uniform fleece top or the uniform long-sleeved golf shirt.
Boots are not allowed to be worn to classes and must be left in the student’s locker until school dismissal.
Students are not permitted to change into or out of their uniform during the school day, except for physical education classes or special school-sponsored events (this means that students must be in proper uniform even at lunch).
Jewelry, hairstyles, and hair colour must match the tone and image of the uniform.
Body piercings are not permitted (nose pins, lip rings, tongue rings, etc.). Only earrings that are in keeping with the uniform may be worn.
No hats, caps, headbands, bandanas or other head covering may be worn in the buildings. They will be confiscated. Female students may wear head bands or scarves with a maximum three-finger width. Full head covering is not permitted.
Co-op students must attend in full and proper Johnson school uniform whenever they are on the school property. OYAP students must attend classes wearing black dress pants, all black shoes and OYAP t-shirts whenever on school property.
During Civvies Days, clothing that is too revealing and/or contains obscene or rude slogans will be deemed to be, and treated as, improper items for discipline purposes.
When required for medical reasons as supported by a doctor’s note, students will be excused from wearing the relevant uniform item for as long as necessary. However, the replacement item must approximate the code description (particularly with respect to colour) as closely as possible. Students must obtain permission from the Vice Principal before 8:30 AM on the day such a condition exists.
Parents are advised to purchase duplicate items of uniform pieces, such as shoes, pants, shirts, to ensure that students come to school in full uniform each and every day. The uniform, like the student’s homework, must be ready for the next day.
Uniform Policy
Black dress pants from McCarthy.
Long-sleeved navy crested golf shirt and/or short-sleeved white crested golf shirt.
Navy crested zip fleece top may be worn.
All closed Black shoes – no logos or markings are allowed on the shoes (including the sole).
Johnson school kilt.
Navy tights or navy knee-high socks with kilts.
Black pants from McCarthy.
Long-sleeved navy crested golf shirt and/or short-sleeved white crested golf shirt.
Navy crested zip fleece top may be worn.
All closed Black shoes – no logos or markings are allowed on the shoes (including the sole).
Please remember that by enrolling at Monsignor Percy Johnson, students have agreed to accept all school policies and that each year we ask our students and their parents to re-commit to the school’s expectations by signing the student contract. This means that everyone who comes to Monsignor Percy Johnson has already made a commitment to wear the school uniform properly and with pride. We thank you in advance for your support and cooperation in this matter.
Where to Buy Uniform
Our official uniform must be purchased only at McCarthy Uniforms.
Dress Code in TCDSB Schools
All Secondary schools within the jurisdiction of the Board shall adopt a Uniform Dress Code.
Parents are encouraged to review the local dress code at their child’s school and to direct their questions to the principal of the school.