Advanced Placement Program
The Congregated Advanced Placement (AP) Program at Marshall McLuhan Catholic Secondary School provides an enriched learning environment for highly motivated, self-directed, responsible life-long learners in the areas of English, Math and Science.
Pre-AP classes begin in Grades 9 and 10, which foster the development of study skills and work habits necessary for success in later years. The program follows the Ontario Curriculum, but is richer in depth and breadth and includes enrichment activities, such as, contests, field trips, guest speakers, and other authentic learning experiences.
AP classes are offered in Grades 11 and 12 that prepare students to write AP exams with the possibility to earn advanced placement and/or credit in university.
We encourage any student who is motivated and seeking an enriched learning opportunity to apply, including students identified as Gifted and those in the Extended French program.
Admission into the Marshall McLuhan Congregated AP Program will be based on a Specialty Program Application via Secondary SOAR (online), which includes most recent report cards, CAT 4 scores, a writing sample, principal and teacher recommendations, as well as the student’s willingness to commit to the level of enriched study required.
For more information about the Congregated AP Program, please contact:
Ms. E. Barrett
AP Program Coordinator and Gifted Facilitator
Email: elaine.barrett@tcdsb.org
Ms. B. Richard
AP Program Coordinator
Email: bonita.richard@tcdsb.org