Why Choose an All-Girls School Like the Abbey?
Explore why you should choose an all-girls school like Loretto Abbey Catholic Secondary School for your learning experience. We hope to see you in school in September!
The data gathered shows that all-girls school graduates:
Have stronger academic skills.
Are more academically engaged.
Demonstrate higher science self-confidence.
Display higher levels of cultural competency.
Express stronger community involvement.
Exhibit increased political engagement.
Loretto Abbey Catholic Secondary School has:
A strong and long Catholic tradition of educating women, steeped in history.
A strong focus on Catholic Social Teachings.
A history of providing students with a holistic, comprehensive, and well-rounded experience.
A safe and inclusive learning environment.
Many successful and distinguished alumnae.
A non-semestered, full-year school program.
Key features of our school include:
Excellent academic curriculum.
Variety of co-curricular activities.
High expectations.
Sense of tradition, pride and school spirit.
Technologically current.
Nurturing environment and community.
Dedicated and Caring Staff.
Active and supportive Catholic School Parent Council (CSPC).
View our whole presentation below on why you should choose an all-girls school like Loretto Abbey Catholic Secondary School for your learning experience: