Specialist High Skills Major Programs
Loretto Abbey Catholic Secondary School is proud to offer 3 Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) programs.
Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
Non-Profit, Education and Child Care
We first began in 2013 with our Non-Profit, Education and Child Care SHSM, then added the Business SHSM in 2016, and the ICT SHSM in 2017. We are very proud of the many SHSM students that graduated from our wonderful programs.
Students who are interested in joining an SHSM program are encouraged to speak to the Lead Teachers of each program or the student's guidance counselor. Students can apply for the SHSM program in Grade 10 and they will begin in Grade 11.
Visit the Ministry of Education website to learn more about each SHSM program.
Students are encouraged to review the following resources:
Video Overview of SHSM Programs: Arts and Culture | Business | Construction | Environment | Health and Wellness | Hospitality and Tourism | Information and Communications Technology (ICT) | Justice, Community Safety and Emergency Services | Non-Profit, Education and Child Care | Sports | Transportation