Our School
Dress Code
The students of Loretto Abbey Catholic Secondary School are expected to be in full and proper uniform every school day, all day long, including lunch and spares. Students are expected to be in uniform from the first day of school in September until the end of examinations in June.
The only exception is if a student is allowed to be out of uniform for legitimate reasons approved by the school. Any student out of uniform will be sent home to change. Students are expected to arrive for school and leave school in full uniform.
We ask that parents work with us to ensure that their daughters leave home in full uniform. Students are expected to be in uniform on school excursions, unless otherwise directed by the teacher (who has received permission from the Administration for casual clothes).
Civvies days are held periodically. On Civvies days, students are expected to dress in casual attire that is appropriate for a school setting (no bare backs, mid-riffs, décolletage, or clothing with inappropriate messages).
School Uniform
The school uniform is available from McCarthy Uniforms.
Not Permitted
No head wear (hats, scarves, etc.) is permitted. Hair bands that are small in width and dark in colour with no pattern, are permitted. Hairstyles are to be kept in the tradition of the Abbey, and only natural hair colours are acceptable.
Excessive jewellery, large pendants, contrasting belts, sashes, hats, or other forms of adornment are not acceptable. Body piercing other than in the ears is not permitted.
Spirit wear items can only be worn with the uniform on pre-approved designated days. Spirit wear items are not part of the official Loretto Abbey school uniform.
Decisions regarding appropriate and allowable accessories, grooming and so on are at the discretion of the administration.
Dress Code in TCDSB Schools
All Secondary schools within the jurisdiction of the Board shall adopt a Uniform Dress Code.
Parents are encouraged to review the local dress code at their child’s school and to direct their questions to the principal of the school.