Congratulations to Grade 11 student Daniel Quintero, the lead builder for Team Brebotics who won the prestigious Dean's List Finalist Award. Daniel is only 1 of 2 Dean’s List Finalists who are chosen to represent Ontario and compete at the First Global Finals in Houston, Texas on April 17-20.
This remarkable achievement will be advertised, televised, streamed across many platforms, and will be highlighted at the FIRST Global finals where over 50,000 people are expected to be in attendance. Additionally, Daniel’s accomplishment will be share with all post secondary institutions in North America.
The school administration is extremely proud of Daniel and Team Brebotics 18846 which has now topped 23 awards in 4 years of competition. This year alone, Brebeuf College School has won 20 awards thanks to the hard work of the 6 robotics teams. Some highlights at this year’s FIRST Robotics Provincial Finals include Team SplitBot 22543, a Grade 9 rookie team winning 2nd place and receiving the Promote Award. Team Canoe 24418, also a Grade 9 rookie team, won 3rd place and received the Innovate Award.
A special thanks goes to all teaching staff and parents who supported the respective teams.