Our School
Dress Code
The wearing of the proper uniform is not a matter of choice, but a privilege conferred by acceptance into the Brebeuf Community. There is an obligation on the part of the students to wear the uniform properly.
The purpose of the school uniform is to instill a sense of pride in and identity with the school. In order to assure uniform compliance with the Dress Code, all students, parents, and school staff must be familiar with the regulations outlined in this document. Students returning to Brebeuf should anticipate their uniform needs. The school’s uniform supplier is McCarthy.
Students must always wear the full uniform while on school property during the school day. In addition, students are to wear their uniform to and from school. Alternate footwear and outer jackets may be worn to and from school during periods of inclement weather.
All items of clothing must be neat, clean, and in good repair. Students are not to write on any uniform item other than putting their names on the labels.
Students are expected to always wear the sweater/vest/blazer in class and in the halls, except when the warm weather uniform is in effect. A teacher may give students permission to remove their sweaters/vests/blazers, only while in the classroom.
Students who come to school with a uniform problem must report to the office before the first class and get a uniform slip, or progressive discipline will begin.
A teacher will send a student to the office for improper uniform. The student will get a note from the main office and consequences may be administered (e.g., parents contacted, detention, sent home to change etc.)
Compulsory Uniform Items
Blazer or Cardigan or Pullover or Vest: Black single-breasted wool and polyester blazer with official Brebeuf crest on the left breast pocket; crested cardigan; crested pullover; crested vest. These are only available at McCarthy, the official supplier of the Brebeuf uniform.
Pants: Medium grey flannel pants (may be pleated). These pants are sold at McCarthy. Please note pants are not permitted to be worn “rolled up” but must be properly altered.
Shirt: A fully white dress shirt with no markings, multiple colour tones, etc.
Shoes: Must be all black, no two-toned, no markings, polishable leather dress shoes.
McCarthy’s will have the design/type of the shoes on their website (under shoes) so parents have a sense of what the shoes need to look like.
Please note McCarthy’s is only posting the design/type of the dress shoes, which cannot be purchased from McCarthy’s. Instead, the correct shoes are to be purchased at any retailer. Please make sure it meets the above criteria and looks like the picture on the McCarthy’s website. Any other shoe design/type will not be permitted, and you will be asked to purchase the correct dress shoe for your son.
Tie: All students must wear the official Brebeuf tie which is available only from McCarthy. The tie must be worn so that the knot of the tie is in close proximity to the collar button of the shirt.
Socks: Dress or sport socks of any colour are acceptable.
Visit the McCarthy Uniforms website for information.
Optional Items
Golf Shirt: A white or black golf shirt with Brebeuf crest on left breast pocket can be purchased only at McCarthy. The golf shirt may only be worn during warm weather months: September, October, April, May and June.
Undershirts: Students are to wear white, short-sleeved undershirts, with no writing or insignia that can be seen through the dress shirt.
Grad Tie: There is a black grad tie available which can be worn in place of the Brebeuf school tie by graduating students only. This tie is only available through the school. Please email brebeuf.info@tcdsb.org if you are interested in purchasing it.
Prohibited Items
Badges, insignia, medals, slogans (or buttons bearing such), unless they have been issued by Brebeuf.
Boots, running shoes, casual shoes, two-toned dress shoes are not to be worn during school hours.
Hats, caps, bandanas, and other head coverings are not to be worn during school hours.
Earphones are not to be worn in class.
Physical Education Uniform (to be purchased through Brebeuf using School Cash Online)
Shorts: Brebeuf regulation gym shorts.
Shirt: Brebeuf T-shirt.
Socks: White athletic socks.
Shoes: Athletic Shoes with non-scuff soles.
Note: Before a Physical Education period, students must leave their jacket, tie, wallet, jewellery, money and all other valuables in their locker. Students first report to the Physical Education dressing room to change into their Physical Education uniform. Students will not be permitted to participate in a gym class without wearing the complete Physical Education uniform. After Physical Education class, students must change back into their school uniform in the assigned change room. Students participating in after-school sports will wear clothing or equipment appropriate to that particular sport. Out of respect for all staff, students must change clothing only in the Physical Education change room. Students are not permitted to change in the hallways.
Casual Days
Casual days allow students to wear alternative clothing and provide a little extra time to have uniforms cleaned/repaired. Clothing worn on casual days are expected to correspond with the spiritual and moral tone of a Catholic School. Only one casual day per month is scheduled. Please see school calendar for dates. The student council collects $2.00 from students in casual clothing to sponsor school events, charities, etc.