Our School
Guidance and Student Services
The Student Services department at Brebeuf College School takes great pride in offering a variety of services to our students. Our mandate is to support students emotionally, while assisting them with their academic needs and career exploration.
Our counsellors are well-equipped to support students and their families. Where necessary, our students can access additional services, such as, Student Success, Child Youth Worker, Social Work, and/or school Psychologist.
Listed below are the most common areas of support that Brebeuf counsellors provide to students. Students can find all necessary documents and forms in the guidance office.
Course Selection
Course Changes
Course Information
Course & Level Changes
Course Difficulties
Night/Summer School
Volunteer Hours
Honour Roll Awards
Peer Tutoring
Career Exploration
My Blueprint
College and University Applications
OSAP Information
Transfer Requests
E-learning Courses
Scholarship Information
Student Success
Special High Skills Major (SHSM) Enrollment
Dual Credit
Co-op Opportunities
School Within A College (SWAC) Program
Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP)
Contact Us
Phone: 416-393-5508
Booking an Appointment
Our Guidance officer hours are:
Monday to Friday (8:00 AM to 3:30 PM)
Please email your counselor requesting an appointment:
Counsellor: Ms. Zeppieri (Last name A-K) - romina.zeppieri@tcdsb.org
Counsellor & Department Head: Ms. Marino (Last name L-Z) - silvana.marino@tcdsb.org
Other office personnel include:
Student Success: Mr. Chin You, Mr. Joaquim
Secretary: Ms. Ramcharan
Levels of Study
Students in Grades 9 classes will be in the destreamed program. Grade 10 students will choose courses from the following four types: Academic, Applied, Locally Developed and Open. Courses in Grades 11 and 12 are destination based and offered at the University (U), College (C), University/College (M), Open (O) or Workplace (E) levels.
Course Load Policy
Minimum course loads are as follows:
All Grade 9-11 students must take 8 credits per year.
Grade 12 students with 23 or fewer credits at the start of the school year must take 8 credits.
Grade 12 students with 24 or more credits at the start of the school year must take 6 credits, a minimum of 3 per semester.
Potential graduating students are strongly encouraged to take more than the minimum load.
Students require a minimum of 6 University or University/College credits for admission to a Canadian university.
Community Service Hours
Students must complete a minimum of 40 hours of community service activities as part of the requirements for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma, but community service is more than just a diploma requirement for our students. As a Catholic community, we are called to apply Catholic social teachings in all that we do, to be people who “transform the world through witness, faith, innovation, and action”. The purpose of the student community service requirement is to foster an awareness and understanding of social and civic responsibility and to grow in Christian calling to service and reflection.
Students can begin to accumulate volunteer hours during the summer break before they enter Grade 9. Once the student completes all or a significant part of the 40 hours, the completed community hours tracking form should be submitted to the Guidance office.
Students who are in their graduating year are strongly encouraged to finish their hours by May 1 of their graduating year, to ensure that this information is available to both the University and College Application Centres. Conditional acceptances may be revoked if the hours are not submitted by May 1.