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Barry Diemert Staff Arts Award
This award will be presented annually to a Staff Arts member, who has made a significant contribution to Staff Arts.
This $500 award will be presented in the award winner’s name, to the home school of the award winner. Non-school based award winners shall designate a TCDSB school to be the beneficiary of the award. This award will be used to further the arts in the school.
The year, name and school of the award winner will be inscribed each year on the award plaque.
By sponsoring this award Staff Arts wishes to honor the contributions made by Barry Diemert to Staff Arts, by recognizing others who have made similar contributions and in so doing support, in a tangible way, the arts in TCDSB schools.
All nomination forms shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Staff Arts Board of Directors on or before June each year. Award winner will be announced the following Fall.
Staff Arts Policy
View or download the Barry Diemert Staff Arts Award Policy.
Nomination Form
View or download the Barry Diemert Staff Arts Award Form.
Send completed forms to the Staff Arts Secretary Dawn Burke - dawnburke11@gmail.com
Past Recipients
2023 - Pat Elia
2020 - Sandra Trott
2019 - Jennifer Roe-ZZ
2018 - Denise Daly
2017 - Marta Musij-Buckley
2016 - John Zachar
2015 - Christine and Roland Kilchling
2014 - Jan Carter
2013 - Edith & John Andlar
2012 - Bob Carter
2011 - Raymond Azzopardi
2010 - Baya Arts
2009 - Edie DiPede
2008 - Marilyn Burke
2007 - Linda Vachon
2006 - Wendy Baker
2005 - Mary Jane McKeen
2004 - Matteo Santucci
2003 - Paulina Effer
2001 - Norm Kelly