About Us
About Us
The purpose of Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) Staff Arts is to promote the Arts and Arts Education by providing performance and related production opportunities to all staff of the TCDSB.
Staff Arts provides an opportunity for all Board employees (teachers, principals, secretaries, caretakers, superintendents, etc) to participate in a choir, a play and a musical.
Staff Choir annually presents a Christmas Concert followed by a wine and cheese social. The choir is usually made up of 75 to 100 voices with varying degrees of musical experience. No auditions are required. Rehearsal start in late September or early October. The choir performance is usually on the first Friday evening in December.
A Comedy is presented in late February early March. Auditions are held in early October with rehearsals running from October to February. The performance is usually on the last weekend of February and the first weekend in March.
A Broadway Musical is presented in early June. Auditions are held in early January, with rehearsals running from January to the end of May. The performance is usually on the First two weekends in June.
If you have never had an opportunity to participate in Staff Arts, consider being part of one or more of these events. We particularly encourage new people to come out. It is always a very enjoyable experience for all those involved.