Students gather in a school gymnasium for a post-secondary fair, standing in line at a booth for Seneca Polytechnic. A representative engages with students, providing information about programs, campus tours, and advising services. Banners for Seneca Polytechnic and Algoma University are visible, while students with backpacks wait to learn more about post-secondary opportunities.

Saint Oscar Romero Catholic Secondary School recently hosted its annual Post-Secondary Fair, welcoming students and families to explore future education and career pathways. Colleges, universities, the City of Toronto, and OYAP representatives provided information on programs, admission requirements, student life, and financial supports. This event offered students valuable insights into their options after high school, helping them make informed choices about their futures.

Collage from Romero's Post-Secondary Fair, showing students interacting with representatives from colleges, universities, and apprenticeship programs. Booths for institutions like Seneca Polytechnic, University of Guelph, and University of Windsor are visible as students explore post-secondary options in the gymnasium