Since 1989, St. Oscar Romero Catholic Secondary School has offered a challenging academic curriculum which provides students with the necessary education required to pursue various post-secondary pathways. In addition, we have programs for ESL students and for those with special needs. Our school is home to vibrant co-curricular and sports programs. Romero teams have been successful at both the Toronto District Catholic Athletic Association (TDCAA) and Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations (OFSAA) levels. Developing student leaders is also a focus of the school; students have many opportunities to develop the skills needed to leadership and success in the 21st century.
St. Oscar Romero is also proud to offer students experiential learning experience through our STEAM, SHSM and Enriched program offerings. From Robotics to Construction Technology and learning connected to the broader community, Romero is committed to a culture of high expectation where students grow as life-long learners and active citizens.
All of this is done within a Catholic context where we strive to live our motto: Community, Justice and Knowledge.
Some of the academic departments available in our school include: