The front of the school building

Safe Schools Program

The Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB), including staff, students, parents / guardians and trustees is committed to the TCDSB’s mission of providing a safe and welcoming learning environment that supports academic excellence. 

This mission is affirmed in TCDSB policies, including the Violence Prevention Policy. Every member of this community - student, teacher, parent / guardian, support staff, trustee, parish priest, volunteer or others while on TCDSB property, at TCDSB sponsored events and circumstances that could have an impact on the school climate - is governed by the policies of the TCDSB and shares in the responsibility for creating a positive environment that is safe, harmonious, comfortable, inclusive and respectful.

Anonymous Alerts

The Anonymous Alerts reporting system helps to promote a safe and positive school climate by empowering students to anonymously report inappropriate behaviours to school staff. Learn how to submit an anonymous alert​

Safe Schools Plans

All schools are required to develop and implement school-wide plans to help create a safe, caring and inclusive learning environment. Review our school’s plans for more information: