Our School
Chaplaincy Services
Chaplaincy at St. Mary Catholic Academy is available to celebrate religious events with the school community, to talk with students and staff in times of need, and to provide a distinctive Christian presence. The chaplaincy office is located just inside the chapel on the main floor.
In addition, Chaplaincy organizes retreats for the whole community. Each staff member and student will enjoy the experience of service through participation in daylong activities at various agencies. Chaplaincy will also make available several volunteer opportunities for students seeking completion of the 40 community service hours required for graduation.
One of the main Chaplaincy initiatives includes a Disciple of the Month tribute wall that is showcased in the front foyer to celebrate those students that have been nominated from each particular grade who best demonstrate the particular virtues for each month.

Mission Statement
The chaplain as a faith presence, committed to Christian values, accompanies each individual in the school community on their journey.