The Grade 3/4 class at St. Isaac Jogues Catholic School started a food drive that the whole school community got amazingly behind.
The boys and girls were thinking of ways that they could put our Catholic faith into action and decided to start up a food collection called "The Gift of Giving" for the North York Harvest Food Bank in anticipation of the Christmas season. They ran the collection campaign over two weeks and made posters and radio (PA) announcements to advertise the drive (cross-curricular Media Literacy learning)!
The school community donated over 589 food items! We created a school-wide pictograph to track donations, sorted and integrated the hands-on learning to our Math Data Management unit making bar graphs and Carol Diagrams a for items donated.
The North York Harvest Food Bank picked up yesterday and they were in awe of our school community's generosity. It's been quite the eye-opening and humbling experience to put our faith into action and try to bring a bit of hope to the people of Toronto - especially as we head into the Advent season.