Programs and Services
Extended French Program
Extended French, often called the 50/50 bilingual program in the past, was launched in 1977 at nine Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) centers. Close to 2000 students are enrolled in 19 centers across the city. Students from Grade 5 to Grade 8 are taught in French for half the day and in English for the other half. As well as French-language arts, the following subjects are taught in French: social studies, music, physical education/health and visual arts.
Our Extended French Program
The Extended French program commences in Grade 5 and continues through to graduation from Grade 8. A long-term commitment is imperative. This is a half-day program and the students are expected to maintain work responsibilities in both the French and English programs.
Demission from the program is only done after consultation with school staff and school administration.
Eligible “out of area” students may be offered a place in the Extended French program at St. Gregory Catholic School if space is available and they reside in close proximity and not near another school offering the Extended French program. Should an “out of area” student be demitted from the program they must return to their designated home school. Siblings of “out of area” students may not attend St. Gregory Catholic School.
School bus transportation is not provided to “out of area” students but TTC tickets may be provided on request, where the walking distance is 1.5 kilometers or more (as per TCDSB policy).
Applications to apply for the Grade 5 program are available to the Grade 4 students in the early part of the second semester.
For more information, please feel free to contact our office at 416-393-5262.