Information and Permission Forms
St. Denis has a number of policies and procedures that help ensure the efficient and safe running of the school.
Please take note of the following:
Entry Procedure
We have labelled three entry zones for students to safely enter the yard. Kindly ensure you have filled out the St. Denis Covid Daily Assessment, sent daily via email at 7 a.m. prior to entering the school yard.
Dismissal Procedure
We have labelled thirteen dismissal zones where students will wait until parental pickup.
Bus students will exit the building through the front doors and board the buses on Balsam Ave.
Kindergarten students will be dismissed at the Kindergarten gate.
Primary students (in grades 1, 2 or 3) parents need to at least make eye contact with their child's teacher at which time the student will be able to exit the Spruce Hill Gate and meet their parent.
We consider fresh air and exercise as integral to our students achievement and well-being, and as such place a high priority on recess. In the event of heavy rain, temperatures below minus twenty degrees, or any otherwise unsafe conditions, students will have recess indoors. Currently owing to COVID protocols students stay in their play zones separated by cohort for recess.
Information and Permission Forms Package
The St. Denis Information and Permission Form Package is a series of important forms for parents to fill out such that your children can more easily participate in local St. Denis activities, be able to use TCDSB digital resources, and keep family contact information up to date. Kindly click on the link above and ensure that you fill out this form as soon as possible.