Attendance and Safe Arrival
If you expect your child to be absent or late, please report this using the SchoolMessenger mobile app (download at Google Play Store or Apple App Store), online at or via telephone by calling 1-833-251-3286.
This is an important part of our Safe Arrival Program which allows us to help ensure that your child is safe and accounted for.
Due to safety concerns it is our policy that if your child does not arrive at school, we must contact a parent at home or work. We will also call emergency contacts.
Please know that students are not permitted to sign themselves out of school. If your child has an appointment during the day, or if you would like them to come home for lunch please pick them up from the office and sign them out.
If your child walks to school in the morning unsupervised (which may be the case in the older grades) and is late for school, they will be asked to call parents to explain why they were late. We've found this to be an effective way of keeping parents informed in real time if their children are late for school, and increasing the accountability of our older students.
Our kindergarten and primary students use the enclosed north yard for recess, and the junior and intermediate grades use the south yards. In either case, no student is permitted to leave the school yard without a staff member or a parent/guardian accompanying them.
Our supervision schedule is arranged such that there is always a staff member standing by the entrances to the school yard in the morning and at recesses to help ensure student safety.