Our School
About Us
At St. Columba Catholic School, we pride ourselves on the strong partnership that exists among the home, the school and the parish. We are a Kindergarten to Grade 8 school that has served and been part of the Malvern community for the past 20 years. Located on John Tabor Trail and Brenyon Way, our school represents a rich diversity of individuals who draw from all over the world.
At St. Columba, we offer a warm and welcoming environment in which we strive to meet the needs of all our students. Student engagement is an important belief in our school. To this end, we attempt to offer many different opportunities for students to participate in school life.

Mission Statement
St. Columba school is dedicated to guiding, nurturing and encouraging students to reach their full potential, academically, emotionally and spiritually.
How We Meet the Diverse Needs of Our Students
At St. Columba, we believe in the uniqueness of every child. We recognize that children have individual talents and their own special needs. We strive to assist the students to be the best they can be, “growing in Christian values, self-esteem and respect for themselves and others”.
The catechetical program, as approved by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, is the foundation for the instructional program in religious education. Among a variety of strategies employed to ensure a Catholic environment, we celebrate the Virtues of the Month and recognize those students who have exemplified that virtue. Acts of charity, such as participation in food drives, the ShareLife campaign and supporting families in need, both and within the local community and the global community, are encouraged as gestures of Gospel values at work. These efforts are essential for reinforcing with the students that our Catholic beliefs need to be reflected in all aspects of the daily program.
Fostering a safe and welcoming learning environment which is an example of Christian community is a vital part of the Mission statement of the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB). Daily attendance monitoring is one example of this mission in action. Through cooperative parent-school communications, parents advise the school if the child will be absent, and school staff monitor attendance patterns and alert the family of their observations. Within the school, every effort is made to attend to the health and safety of the students. We appreciate parents notifying us of health conditions which may affect your child at school. We also strive to keep parents and guardians informed of issues and situations which impact on their child's health and safety. It is our hope and desire that families new to our community, along with those of long standing, feel welcome when entering the school. We are pleased to provide information about our school and community, to make introductions and to maintain collaborative communications.
Clear expectations for student behaviour are another important element of school life. General guidelines for student deportment are presented to the students in a variety of formats. Review and reinforcement takes place regularly throughout the year. Our school rule is: Keep your hands and feet and unkind words to yourself. The violence prevention policy of the TCDSB reflects our serious commitment to the well-being of all members of the school community.
We are very fortunate to have wonderful and experienced staff who are continually discerning ways to deliver engaging and varied curriculum. Our staff is well-versed in the current pedagogy of education, and continually attempt to implement new ideas and technologies into their teaching. Our support staff is a dynamic group who provide caring support to the students and teachers they work with.
School History and Tradition
St. Columba Catholic School opened its doors to the Malvern community 20 years ago. The school rapidly grew from 86 students to more than 800 students during its first decade. The opening of the St. Gabriel Lalemant, St. Florence, Sacred Heart and St. Bede schools significantly reduced our school population.
Our community has a rich diversity of individuals drawn from all over the world. Our blend of many cultures enhances our daily lives, with our Catholic faith as the unifying band.