About Us
At Regina Mundi Catholic School, we pride ourselves on the strong partnership that exists among the home, the school and the parish.

Mission Statement
In a school community formed by Catholic beliefs and traditions, our Mission is to educate students to their full potential by providing:
Leadership in the shared responsibility for education that exists among schools, students, families, parishes and the community.
A safe and welcoming learning environment that is an example of Christian community.
Role models of Gospel values and Catholic doctrines, teachings and beliefs.
Guidance in what students need to learn.
Instruction in the learning process itself.
Religious, academic and technological instruction.
Integration of Catholic, Christian beliefs into the total learning experience.
Feedback on students' proficiency and performance.
How We Meet the Diversified Needs of Our Students
Our student body, ranging from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8, represents many diverse cultures.
We are committed to developing each student's potential to the fullest. Many opportunities are provided for community participation in Eucharistic celebrations, services, assemblies and morning prayers and reflections. Through these celebrations and services, and through our studies throughout the curriculum, we demonstrate our Catholic values and virtues.
An ongoing objective of the school is to instill skills in our students which promote peacemaking and conflict resolution. As part of our Safe Schools Plan, every class has Peace Ambassador Representatives. In partnership with parents, students and staff, a school Code of Conduct has been developed and provided to every family through the student agenda.
In delivering the curriculum, we recognize the need to provide learning experiences that are geared to meet different learning styles. Our teachers make use of professional development programs to network with other teachers and to stay in touch with current educational initiatives.
Our staff attempts to incorporate technology, such as computer awareness and familiarity, into their programming. Staff will continue to attend in-services and share expertise amongst one another. Software geared to different age levels and abilities will form part of the programming.
Enrichment opportunities are provided as well. Students' needs are met through modification of programs when necessary. Special services are provided for those students with special learning needs. Together with professional resources employed by the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB), we ensure that the knowledge through out-of-school experiences and exposure to various cultural venues. These include visits to theatrical presentations, visits to historical sites, to farms, etc. Our intermediate students participate in 2 overnight excursions: one to an Outdoor Education Centre (Grade 7) and one to a cultural city (Grade 8).
We host a wide range of extracurricular and co-curricular activities offered to our students, so as to develop talents outside of the classroom. These include participation in volleyball, basketball, soccer, softball, cross-country, track & field, health action team, eco club, chess, and W5H teams.
Our School History and Tradition
Regina Mundi Catholic School opened in October 1974 in a relocatable building with 400 students, 200 more than the estimated projection. The students and staff worked in two open area pods, one for primary grades 1 to 3 and the other for grades 4 to 8, while the kindergarteners shared two classrooms. The school community was primarily first generation Canadians of Italian descent.
Our Patron Saint, Queen of the World, Regina Mundi's feast day is celebrated on August 22.
In 1997, the original relocatable was dismantled and replaced with a new addition to the existing building. In 2004, the original pods of the school were closed. All classrooms in the school had four walls.