Epiphany of Our Lord Catholic School
Parent Council
Epiphany of Our Lord Catholic Academy’s Catholic School Parent Council (CSPC) is comprised of a small elected executive (Chair, Treasurer and Secretary) who work together with all parents / guardians, Principal and staff.
Our main objective is to promote the educational interests of the school and the students. Our CSPC is made up of parent volunteers working together with the school administration team to support all students at Epiphany through a variety of school initiatives.
We provide resources to support school learning, quality sports and arts programming, as well as teacher support through increased volunteerism in our school.
Upcoming Meetings
Epiphany’s CSPC meet six times during the school year to talk about current school events and news, share ideas and discuss events that benefit the entire school population.
All parents are encouraged to attend.
Agendas, Minutes and Resources
For archived agendas and minutes, contact the parent council or school principal.
Contact Information
Get in touch with the Epiphany CSPC:
Phone: 416-393-5378
Volunteer and Get Involved
Parents and guardians play a vital role in their children's education. Increased parental involvement equals higher student achievement, attendance, improved behaviour, improved school climate and a better relationship between home and school.
Children receive the best education when parents and teachers work as a team. It's a parent’s/guardian’s enthusiasm, support and involvement that inspires children to do their best.
Parents and guardians, working together with the dedicated staff at Epiphany have achieved wonderful things for the students.

Catholic Parent Involvement Committee
The Catholic Parent Involvement Committee (CPIC) is for parents who would like to get involved in a meaningful and productive way not only at the school level, but also at the board level. This is an invitation for all parents to share ideas, opinions, views, and strategies and to better facilitate parent involvement in our Catholic education system.
CPIC membership includes one (1) parent representative and one (1) parent alternate elected by their peers from each of the 12 TCDSB Trustee wards. The committee will be chaired by parents.
CPIC includes trustee members as appointed by the Board and board staff designated as a resource to the committee. Ward representatives will serve a one- or two-year term.
Visit the CPIC page for more information.
Who qualifies to become a member of CPIC?
All parents and guardians with at least one child or more currently registered in one of our TCDSB schools. An employee of the TCDSB is not eligible to be elected to this council.
What do I do in order to be considered?
Visit the CPIC Elections page for more information.