Our School
About Us
Epiphany of Our Lord Catholic Academy provides a Catholic education which focuses on Christ's life as intrinsic to the entire curriculum. Our school is not just a school where academic learning occurs, but more importantly it is a place to teach and model Christian living. Our school provides an inviting, safe and welcoming environment where each child can learn, grow and develop.
Epiphany of Our Lord Catholic Academy operates on the belief that all students have the right to have a safe, happy, and productive day of learning at school. Each child needs to feel safe both physically and emotionally, both in the classroom and on the playground. Consequently, we believe that a safe, caring and orderly community is necessary. It is our collective responsibility to help children grow into caring and productive citizens of Ontario who celebrate the value and dignity of each individual. Therefore, each student and staff member work together towards creating a learning environment that is joyful and productive.
Epiphany of Our Lord Catholic Academy takes pride in offering a focus in the area of Mathematics, Science, and Technology. Class presentations and excursions are carefully chosen to complement our focus. As well, the Epiphany staff continues to study different ways to implement these curriculum areas using teaching methodology that is current and deemed effective. Consequently, Epiphany staff appreciates, participates in, and/or leads different forms of professional learning in mathematics, science, and technology.

How We Meet the Diverse Needs of Our Students
Epiphany of Our Lord Catholic Academy implements the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB)'s mission of providing a Catholic education which focuses on Christ's life as intrinsic to the entire curriculum. We respect individual differences, individual rights and individual responsibilities in following God's plan for us, with the guidance of His church. Love of God, love of others and love of self as the basic means by which we are to live our lives and conduct our school activities.
A vital component of the TCDSB's vision statement is the desire to foster a safe and welcoming learning environment that is an example of Christian community. Our safe arrival program is one example of this mission in action. Through cooperative parent-school communication, parents advise the school regarding their child’s absence. In the event that the school is not notified and absence occurs, parents are contacted immediately in order to determine the whereabouts of their child. In addition, every effort is made to attend to the health and safety of the students. We encourage parents to notify us of health conditions which may affect their child at school. Our school is a peanut, seafood, nut, and shellfish AWARE school due to the numerous life-threatening allergies. Students are reminded not to share food or bring in products that may contain such items. We encourage parents to notify us of health conditions which may affect their child at school.
As part of providing a safe and welcoming environment, we maintain two qualified teachers with first aid training. We also provide conflict management programs to the students. Several staff members supervise the outdoor periods from 8:40 AM to 3:30 PM daily. Children who take the school bus are supervised until the bus arrives for pick up at 3:40 PM each day. A Safe School Committee exists with members representing parents, staff and students in order to review the safety and well-being of our youngest stake holders.
It is our desire to make all members of our school community feel welcome when entering Epiphany of Our Lord Catholic Academy. The school is locked from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM for safety, but a video entrance procedure is in place, and visitors record their names at the front office.
Meeting Different Needs
At Epiphany of Our Lord Catholic Academy, in order to meet the wide-ranging needs of individual students, teachers are encouraged to engage all students in "differentiated learning opportunities" within the regular classroom - that is, extend, accommodate, and/or modify programs in order to provide all students the opportunity to achieve personal success and growth. Special programs support students with specific and exceptional needs.
As well as meeting academic needs, we also seek to develop the student in the area of athletics and the arts, all of which is within our Catholic school environment. We have regular house league sports at recesses for all children to participate for good fun and friendly competition. Our school teams in track and field, cross country, soccer, volleyball and basketball continue to perform well in local and regional competitions. We also have a multitude of clubs and student-led activities such as Eco Club, Choir, Lego Club and many more.
We have many celebrations throughout the year that include the Feast of the Epiphany, Masses, Carnaval, Remembrance Day, and Claremont Outdoor Education Centers 3-Day Excursion (Grades 6 to 8).
Our staff has been most generous with their time to coach sports teams, organize various clubs, and supervise these various activities. Communication is an important aspect of our day-to-day experiences, and we are thankful for the commitment of our Catholic School Parent Council (CSPC), a group of supportive parents who meet on a regular basis to plan and assist with activities that occur in our school.
Communication is the key to a shared partnership in education, and parents are kept informed of progress on an ongoing basis as well as at formal conferences. Monthly newsletters are sent home to assist in keeping parents informed about school activities and directions as well as reminder notices for major events. Individual classes also provide information for families more specific to their children. We also encourage parents' involvement in our parent council. We welcome, cherish, and respect all members' voices.
School History and Tradition
Our school was renamed to Epiphany of Our Lord Catholic Academy in September 2002. Formerly named St. Cyprian Catholic School, the school was officially opened in the spring of 1976, with a student population of more than 150 students. The name change to Epiphany of Our Lord Catholic Academy came with the introduction of school uniforms and a focus on Mathematics, Science and Technology.