Advisory Committees
Child Care Advisory Committee
The Child Care Advisory Committee of the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) reports to the Director of Education. The mandate of the Child Care Advisory Committee is to bring system-wide child care issues within the TCDSB, as well as related information and concerns, to the attention of Early Years Senior Staff and team members.
Upcoming Meeting Dates
To be updated.
Past Meeting Minutes
October 2, 2024 (Minutes Pending Approval)
The Child Care Advisory Committee, reporting to the Director of Education, shall have the responsibility for providing Early Years Senior Staff and team members with items for consideration pertaining to system-wide TCDSB child care developments, initiatives and issues. Matters of an individual nature will continue to be resolved at the local level.
Composition of Committee
The Child Care Committee shall be comprised of appointed members from the staff of the TCDSB and a maximum of six community members from TCDSB Child Care Services providers. All positions are voluntary.TCDSB staff shall be comprised of:
Superintendent of Education, Early Years Lead.
Early Years Coordinator.
Senior Manager, Child Care.
Senior Manager, Community Use of Schools.
School Principal with a Child Care Centre at their school
Community members shall be comprised of six representatives from Child Care providers within TCDSB schools that represent various areas of expertise.
The Committee will endeavour to be comprised of at least one community member representative from the following categories:
Single site.
More than one but five or less.
More than five sites.
Only one community member representative per organization will be considered.
Leadership and Guidance
The Child Care Committee shall have a TCDSB Chairperson to ensure due process, leadership and effective functioning of the committee.
Terms of Service
The Child Care Committee shall have a maximum appointment of four terms for one year each. The timeframe will be from September 1 to August 31. In the appointment of community member representatives, consideration will be given to the ability of individuals to carry out the role effectively and to make the time commitment involved.
Frequency of Meetings
There will be a maximum of three meetings per year to take place during the day at the Catholic Education Centre (CEC).
Catholic Education Centre
80 Sheppard Avenue East
Toronto, ON M2N 6E8
Appointment Process
The Committee seeks to reflect the diversity within the Child Care Services Providers sector. All positions are voluntary and candidates must be in a senior supervisory position with a current TCDSB Child Care Services Provider. TCDSB Operational Procedures will be adhered to for the selection process.