Before and After School Programs
As required under the Education Act, the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) is committed to ensuring the provision of a Before and After school program for every child from Kindergarten to Grade 6 where there is sufficient demand and/or viability.
The TCDSB uses data collected from annual surveys at the time of Kindergarten Registration, as well as local information, to assess demand and viability of programs.
Program Overview
TCDSB Before and After School Programs include licensed Before and After School Programs and Authorized Recreational and Skill Building Programs. Learn more about each program:
Program Registration
A licensed Before and After School Program will be offered by third party operators in school where there is confirmed interest.
It is recommended that parents and guardians directly contact the third party licensed child care and/or authorized recreation operators at the school for more information on registration, hours and days of operation and program fees.
Program Locations
Refer to our program guide for a complete listing of program locations.