Evaluation Policy
Bishop Allen Academy's Evaluation and Assessment are consistent with the policies and guidelines of the Ministry of Education.
Subject specific achievement charts in the 1999-2000 curriculum documents are the basis for assessing, evaluating and reporting student achievement of curriculum expectations. Learning skills will be assessed according to criteria that have been communicated clearly to students.
The students learning skills will be reported using a four-level key:
E = Excellent
G = Good
S = Satisfactory
N = Needs Improvement
At the beginning of each course students will receive course information sheets. These sheets will summarize the course descriptions taken from the ministry guidelines, the order and duration of instructional units, the key curriculum expectations, the evaluation criteria with weightings for term and final evaluations, the types of assessments used, the main resources for the courses, and any policies specific to the course.
Modifications and accommodations in assessment and evaluation will be made for identified and ESL students.
Report cards will be distributed to students at the mid-term reporting cycle and mailed at final reporting cycle for each semester. The report card marks are an indication of the pupil's performance in the on-going assessment conducted by the teachers.
Parent/Teacher Interview Night is held following the mid-semester reports to provide parents/guardians the opportunity to meet the teachers and to discuss their son's/daughter's progress.
Students may request from their teachers information about their marks and progress at any time during the semester. Staff will attempt to meet these requests within a reasonable time frame.
Parents are welcome to contact individual teachers at any time by calling the school office (416) 393-5549 for an appointment.
It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that equipment, textbooks and library books/materials is returned to the teacher when requested or at the end of the semester. Failure to do so may result in withholding the report card or non-admission to classes for the next semester.
Families and students are encouraged to review the following information: