About Us
At St. Ursula Catholic School, we pride ourselves on the strong partnership that exists among the home, the school and the parish.
How We Meet the Diverse Needs of Our Students
In keeping with our Mission to educate students to their full potential, our programs and instructional practices reflect a focus on the learner - how do we know that learning has taken place? How do we celebrate individual and group successes? What is our plan for responding when our students aren’t learning? As a professional learning community, the staff of St. Ursula keeps these questions at the forefront when designing, implementing, and reviewing curricular programs and practices. To support this focus, the following strategies assist our school community in our work with our students.
Strategies to Create and Support a Catholic Environment
Emphasis is placed on common mission and purpose through a professional learning community.
The teaching of Catholic doctrine, traditions and beliefs is stressed through a Christ-centric curriculum.
Emphasis is placed on the spiritual, academic, and social development of each student.
Staff and parents endeavour to demonstrate commitment to Catholicism and to serve as role models of Catholic values.
We gather as community to celebrate our faith in liturgies and paraliturgies.
Regular visits from the local pastor strengthen the bond between school and church.
A daily Bible reading and reflection starts our day.
The Grade 2 and 8 religion programs support the sacramental work of the parish.
A central prayer table and classroom prayer tables reflect our Catholic tradition of spiritual reflection. Students engage in charitable works including fundraising and food drives to assist the less fortunate.
Strategies to Create and Support a Safe and Welcoming Environment
All school programs emphasize student self-esteem and mutual respect.
A safe arrival program is in place.
School policies and procedures reflect a deep concern for the safety and security of our students.
Discipline procedures are educational in purpose, working to assist students in taking responsibility for their own actions.
Members of our community are actively involved in our school: parent volunteers, co-operative education students, student volunteers, and community workers assist us in providing individual assistance to students who need additional support.
School History and Tradition
St. Ursula Catholic School has served the Catholic children of Guildwood Village and the surrounding area of Scarborough for more than 45 years. Our school's community church is St. Martin de Porres, with some of our families living within St. Boniface boundaries. Other families traditionally attend to their spiritual needs through churches, with services accommodating their cultural language.