Our School
Dress Code
St. Sebastian Catholic School students from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8 will be required to follow the Appropriate Dress Code protocol of the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB).
The dress code requires all students to wear:
Navy blue tops and bottoms (no denim).
Bottoms cannot be white.
Bottoms may be combined with a plain white top (with no commercial logos except for the St. Sebastian school logo – which is optional).
Any shoe (except for open sandals or flipflops, as these are unsafe on stairs and in the playground).
During winter time, a pair of indoor shoes should be left at school, so that boots can be removed during the day. Hats are never to be worn inside the school building. The dress code is also in effect during excursions, concerts, sports days, etc. If a student is inappropriately dressed, parents will be notified and the student may be sent home to change clothing, or given an alternative garment to wear.
Dress Code in TCDSB Schools
All Elementary schools within the jurisdiction of the Board shall adopt an Appropriate Dress Code or Uniform Dress Code.
Parents are encouraged to review the local dress code at their child’s school and to direct their questions to the principal of the school.