Our School
Dress Code
Parent support is required to ensure that all students from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8 follow the Appropriate Dress Code.
The Appropriate Dress Code consists of any combination of white and navy blue garments (e.g., plain white top, navy blue bottom or, navy blue top and bottom, no denim).
Students are encouraged to wear comfortable footwear. Running shoes are most appropriate (non scuffing footwear only).
A variety of clothing style can be purchased at retailers of your choice. Crested clothing with the St. Rita Catholic School emblem is available through St. Rita Spirit Wear. Flyers and samples are available at the main office.
All schools in the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) have implemented this dress code. The dress code allows for enhanced safety of our students, the promotion of the school’s identity and the strengthened sense of community within our school.
Dress Code in TCDSB Schools
All Elementary schools within the jurisdiction of the Board shall adopt an Appropriate Dress Code or Uniform Dress Code.
All Secondary schools within the jurisdiction of the Board shall adopt a Uniform Dress Code.
Parents are encouraged to review the local dress code at their child’s school and to direct their questions to the principal of the school.