Banner - St. Richards - Indigenous History Month

Over a span of 2 weeks, Ms. Hogan generously dedicated her time to share her knowledge on Indigenous history, art, and culture. Each class received a presentation comprising an introduction to the history of First Nations Peoples in Canada, with specific focus on groups such as the Métis and Inuit. Students also watched a short video and engaged in Q&A sessions in small groups.

Additionally, every student had the opportunity to create their own dreamcatcher, gaining an understanding of its significance and the connections between art and knowledge. They also learned about the Medicine Wheel and the meanings associated with its different colors. Before concluding each presentation, students were given the chance to ask questions and share comments. At the end of each session, the class gathered in a circle to participate in a smudging ceremony.

As a token of appreciation, each student received a sample of moose hide as part of the Moose Hide Campaign, dedicated to raising awareness to end violence against women and children.