About Us
At St. Paschal Baylon Catholic Elementary School, we pride ourselves on the strong partnership that exists among the home, the school and the parish. Learn more about our school community.

Mission Statement
St. Paschal Baylon Catholic Elementary School is a welcoming, caring and safe community whose members aspire to have each student reach their God-given greatness.
Our vision includes:
Acts of compassion and stewardship, rooted in social justice and service to others.
Lifelong learning that nurtures confidence, interdependence and excellence.
Empowering all members to be responsible Christ-like leaders in an ever-changing world.
How We Meet the Diverse Needs of Our Students
St. Paschal Baylon Catholic Elementary School is committed to the integration of our Christian values into every aspect of school life. There are many activities which exemplify our Catholic traditions, including monthly masses celebrated as a community, regular visits from our clergy and rosary groups, and an active daily prayer life and liturgical celebrations. The modelling of Gospel values permeates instruction as well as discipline at St. Paschal Baylon.
We are committed to success for all students through curriculum initiatives. Students’ literacy skills are developed by enhancing their reading and writing proficiency through an interdisciplinary approach. Comprehensive Literacy in the primary grades and Literacy in the middle grades from 4 to 8 continue to be our focus for language instruction. We strive to develop students’ mathematical literacy skills through problem-solving experiences that involve the application and communication of concepts in Mathematics.
Team teaching, rotary, Special Education services, English as a Second Language (ESL) instruction, international language instruction, and our computer lab further enhance program delivery for all students. Our students enjoy a variety of cocurricular activities and programs including athletic teams, drama and music activities, and W5H and chess clubs.
School History And Tradition
St. Paschal Baylon Catholic Elementary School opened its doors to 437 students and staff in 1961 at the Shetland Street and Moore Avenue site (since renamed St. Paschal Ct. and Moore Park Avenue). In 1966, three classrooms, a library and a gymnasium were added to the original 13 classroom building.
The school was named after St. Paschal Baylon (1540-1592), a Spanish Franciscan monk who was characterized by his devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Holy Eucharist. The school maintains a close connection with our Parish, St. Paschal Baylon.
Over the years, the school community has evolved from being mainly Italian, to a very multicultural mix of students, with particular representation from the Filipino community. Our supportive, cooperative and involved parent community contributes to a safe and welcoming learning environment for our students.