About Us
School's Mission

In a school community formed by Catholic beliefs and traditions, the mission of St. Monica Catholic School, in harmony with the mission of the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB), is to educate students to their full potential. This is achieved by providing a safe and welcoming learning environment that is an example of a Christian community, by the integration of Gospel Values into the total learning experience, and by providing continual feedback on students’ progress. We seek to provide a Catholic education that will enable our students to become responsible, self-disciplined, life-long learners and members of a caring local and global community.
We envision students who:
Are formed in the Catholic faith.
Are physically, emotionally and spiritually balanced to be open to and apply Christian values to life’s opportunities, challenges and choices.
Strive for personal academic excellence in literacy, numeracy and technology.
Display self-worth and self-respect.
Display concern and respect for others.
Demonstrate skills for developing and maintaining personal wellness.
Demonstrate global perspective and community responsibility.
Our school community believes that, by demonstrating our faith in God and respect for each other, we can create a safe, caring and collaborative environment that promotes life-long learning and celebrates the uniqueness of all individuals.

How We Meet the Diverse Needs of Our Students
At St. Monica Catholic School, we continue with the tradition and history of being an inclusive community. We are proud to be wheelchair accessible, to host a Developmentally Delayed Classroom, a Gifted Centre and to provide daily Special Education and ESL instruction to identified and struggling students. We are committed to continuously learning, and to working cooperatively with all partners in education to improve student learning.
The following initiatives and activities represent some of the ways that we intend to serve our Catholic school community:
Religion Program
Liturgical and Sacrament Celebrations
Faith In Action: Charity Fundraisers
Instrumental and Vocal Music Instruction
School Choir
History/Science Fair
Geography Challenge
Junior and Intermediate W5H
Destination Imagination
Variety Village Enrichment Programs
Winter Carnival Celebrations
Healthy Action Initiatives (i.e., Dance-a-Thon, Jump Rope for Heart, Terry Fox Walk-a-Thon)
The Boomerang Litterless Lunch Program
Twinning Projects with Schools Across Canada (i.e., Toronto/Nunavut)
High School Partnerships (i.e., Reading Buddies, Literacy and Numeracy)
Learning Partnership (i.e., Entrepreneurial Program)
Intramural Sports (i.e., Floor Hockey, Basketball, Volleyball, Soccer)
Sports (i.e., Volleyball, Basketball, Softball, Soccer, Cross Country, Track-and-Field)
Co-Curricular Activities (i.e., Presentations by Heath Canada and by Police Liaison)
Extracurricular Activities (i.e., Board-wide sports and championships)
University Teacher Education Partnerships
Satellite Day Care Centre
Before and After School Program
Catholic School Parent Council (CSPC) Partnership and Activities (i.e., Fall Fair, Dance-a-Thon)
St. Monica Catholic School Foundation (i.e., Indigo Night Fundraiser)
At St. Monica, we continue our long existing tradition of excellence and community where all are welcome. We are a community that embraces our school motto, “Learning and Walking with Jesus”.
School History and Tradition
St. Monica is one of the oldest schools in the TCDSB, with a history stretching back over over a century. In 1916, members of St. Monica Parish approached the Metropolitan Separate School Board (MSSB) - now the TCDSB - to ask for a portable school on Broadway Avenue close to St. Monica Church. In 1916, the Ministry of Education lists two sisters of St. Joseph as having been the first teachers at St. Monica. In 1918, there were 138 pupils enrolled in the school. At some point in later years, by 1935 at the latest, the school came into the care of the Loretto Sisters. A permanent building was erected on the site by 1925, with additions in 1955, 1963, and 1966.
Our school is named after St. Monica, who was a woman of great inner resources and profound faith, and who dedicated her life to the spiritual rebirth of her son, St. Augustine. St. Monica is the patron saint of parents, married women, and widows, whose powerful example as a wife and mother can be an inspiration and a model.