Our School
Construction Updates
Here are the latest updates and information regarding the new construction at St Michael's Choir School.
Status Updates
Staff will monitor the schedule and provide regular updates on the progress of the project.
April 2021: Significant estimated costs associated with heritage preservation and building substructure have required a redesign of the project. Once the alternate design and revised costing is accepted, the demolition and construction schedule will be reviewed and revised.
January 2021: Floor plans have been finalized and the design team is meeting with school staff, facilities staff and mechanical and electrical engineers to further develop the detailed design. The Choral School is to be relocated for September 2021 to allow for demolition of the existing building and the start of new construction. Relocation planning has begun and consultation with the school community is being scheduled.
October 2020: Adjustments have been made to program elements and floor layouts to reduce overall project costs. An LDC meeting to review and approve design development is to be scheduled for the beginning of November in advance of the site plan approval submission to City Planning at the end of November.
June 2020: The initial Local Design Committee (LDC) meeting was held virtually on April 2, 2020. Preliminary Cost Estimates exceed available funding due to escalation and unique site requirements. Program, floor areas and heritage requirements are currently being reviewed to reduce project costs and availability of additional funding is being explored. At this time, it is not anticipated the COVID-19 conditions will impact anticipated occupancy.
December 2019: On November 14, 2019 the Board approved award of the architectural services contract to the joint team of KPMB Architects and The Ventin Group Inc. Architects. A funding agreement is being finalized between TCDSB and the Archdiocese of Toronto. Design work will begin once the Agreement is completed.
September 2019: Consultant proposals are currently under evaluation, and it is anticipated a consultant will be appointed by mid-November.
September 2018: Due to unforeseen delays and challenges with other projects, staff were not able to issue a Request for Qualifications over the summer. It is expected to be issued in the next month.
June 2018: The Ministry of Education approved funding for a new 300 pupil place boys’ school and Choral Institute for Music for grades 3 to 12. A Program Working Group met on June 20 to review the program requirements for the school required to include in the request for proposals (RFP) for an architect. Over the summer, a Request for Qualifications will be issued to in order to establish a prequalified short list of architects, who will be invited to respond to an RFP to provide architectural services for the new school.
Project Information
Project Type: Replacement School
Anticipated Occupancy: September 8, 2026
Service Quality Supervisor: F. Sposato (#6)
Project Supervisor: S. Alolabi
Architect: KPMB Architects, +VG Architects (The Ventin Group)
Contractor: To be determined.