Our School
About Us
At St. Maurice Catholic School, each child is called to a lifelong process of development in a community of love established by Jesus Christ. Children are the focus of our community, and their good is at the centre of all we do.
In addition to all that happens to ensure the presence of a Catholic environment at our school, there are other strategies which help to meet the diversified needs of our students.
In an effort to ensure that we continue to display a safe and welcoming environment in which to learn, St. Maurice Catholic School has developed the following strategies:
A code of behaviour is in place, helping students and parents understand that there are consequences for both appropriate and inappropriate behaviour. Students are expected to behave in a reasonable manner both at the school and within the wider community. It is expected that both the home and school share the responsibility for ensuring that our students come to school, not only prepared to learn, but also prepared to behave in a responsible manner appropriate to their age level.
The school has a safe arrival program, with the aim being to ensure that each child has arrived at school safely. Parents are encouraged to contact the school regarding absences. An answering service is available outside of regular school hours. Our secretaries attempt to contact the homes of those children whose attendance cards are sent to the office on any given day.

St. Maurice Catholic School has also established a student recognition roll, the purpose of which is to reward outstanding academic achievement, and to focus on students who have shown dramatic personal growth during any given term at school.
Physical activities of a cocurricular nature include school teams for those skilled in athletics, noon hour house leagues for students in all divisions, and playdays which combine physical activity and fun. In addition to athletics, opportunities are available to be involved in the performing arts through concerts, plays, musicals and spring festivals. Interschool math/science fairs and general knowledge competitions and clubs are available for older students.
One special program involves a junior division class being paired up with senior citizen residents in a “grandparent” program. A number of activities are planned during monthly visits.
In the classroom, teachers are the agents of our enterprise with children. We empower them to be decision-makers, to lead by example and to inspire a yearning for excellence in our children.
The school-based support process and the interdisciplinary team, together with parents, provide valuable assistance in identification and programming for specific learning needs.
Specialized programs at St. Maurice include special education, English as a second language, international languages, French as a second language and enrichment opportunities and programs both in and outside the school.
Educational field trips supplement the classroom program and are an effective way for students to learn about their surroundings.
School History and Tradition
St. Maurice Catholic School was named for St. Maurice, a Christian Egyptian foot soldier whose martyrdom reminds us of our interdependence with others and challenges us all to work together towards full growth in ourselves and in Christ.
Nestled in a relatively quiet section of middle Etobicoke, our school caters to a wide range of cultures. Many of our students come from houses, single-family apartments and condominiums.
After an initial growth surge in the mid-1970's, the school continued to grow slowly during the 1980's. This was followed by a leveling off period and subsequent decline in enrollment during the 1990's.
Our school motto is "Living, Loving and Learning in Christ." All instruction, school events and activities, both past and present, are integrated with Gospel values and the teachings of Christ.