Our School
About Us
At St. Mary of the Angels Catholic School, we pride ourselves on the strong partnership that exists among the home, the school and the parish.

Mission Statement
In a school community formed by Catholic beliefs and traditions, the mission of St. Mary of the Angels, in harmony with the mission of the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB), is to educate students to their full potential. This is achieved by providing a safe and welcoming learning environment that is an example of a Christian community, by the integration of Gospel Values into the total learning experience, and by providing continual feedback on student progress. We seek to provide a Catholic education that will enable our students to become responsible, self-disciplined, lifelong learners and members of a caring local and global community.
We envision students who:
Are formed in the Catholic faith.
Are physically, emotionally and spiritually balanced to be open to and apply Christian values to life’s opportunities, challenges and choices.
Strive for personal academic excellence in literacy, numeracy and technology.
Display self-worth and self-respect.
Display a concern and respect for others.
Demonstrate skills for developing and maintaining personal wellness.
Demonstrate global perspective and community responsibility.
Our school community believes that, by demonstrating our faith in God and respect for each other, we can create a safe, caring and collaborative environment that promotes lifelong learning and celebrates the uniqueness of all individuals.
How We Meet the Diverse Needs of Our Students
Our school offers the following to meet the needs of our students:
Programs in religious education and family life.
Strong focus on Language and Mathematical instruction.
Programs such as Special Education and English as a Second Language (ESL) address and support individual needs, while providing students the opportunity for integration into regular programs.
The International Language program acknowledges our students' heritage and culture, while simultaneously allowing all students an opportunity to learn a third language, allowing them to be an active part of the global village.
Music Programs: Vocal Music from Kindergarten to grade 6 and Instrumental Music for Grade 7 to 8.
Support is provided through our guidance teacher and team of social workers, psychologists, and speech and language personnel.
Students use and have access to a range of technologies, with an emphasis on computer literacy and media literacy.
Liturgies, celebrations, music festivals, cultural performances, and co-curricular activities and extra-urricular activities round out our educational program.
School History and Tradition
St. Mary of the Angels is one of the oldest Catholic schools in the Metropolitan Toronto area. It was founded as St. Clement Catholic School, prior to World War I, as part of St. Clement's Parish, which served the Davenport Community from 1915 to 1936. In 1954, the year after the amalgamation of the Metropolitan Separate School Board - now the Toronto Catholic District School Board - it was renamed St. Mary of the Angels to reflect the parish in which it currently resides. Until June 1960, the Sisters of Loretto staffed the school.
The Franciscan Fathers introduced the patron saint to the community when they laid the corner stone of St. Mary of the Angels church in 1936. St. Mary of the Angels was highly venerated by the Italian-Canadian population which, at the time, made up the majority of the community.
Today, the school remains a beacon to its community. The current school population is representative of the multicultural character of Metropolitan Toronto’s population. Representing 5 continents, 22 countries, more than 14 % of our students were born outside of Canada, and over 63% of our students speak a language other than English at home, as often or more than English.
St. Mary of the Angels Catholic School continues to be a vibrant, safe, inclusive learning community for students, staff and parents. By working collaboratively with all shareholders, we continue to have great successes and significant school improvement.