About Us
St. Martin Catholic School (St. Martin and Our Lady of Lourdes Campuses) offers an alternative program for students in grades 7 to 12 from across the city.
Students in this semester-based program are offered an academic and non-academic program. Goals are established upon admission and are based on the unique strengths and needs of each student.
The academic program is tailored to the student’s learning profile, pathway and credit accumulation.
The non-academic program gives students the opportunity to build pro-social skills and access support to address personal circumstances which may be interfering with their ability to be successful at school and in their personal lives.
Programs are staffed by a multidisciplinary team made up of classroom teachers, guidance and special education teachers, social worker, child and youth workers, a part-time psychologist, principal and vice principals.
Program enrolment is restricted to students approved for a board expulsion, as mandated under the Education Act.
St. Martin Catholic School (St. Martin Campus) is also the site of the Voluntary Intervention Program (VIP). This program is for students in grades 9 to 12 who are deemed appropriate candidates by their school administration, based upon established program criteria. Students and parents interested in VIP are encouraged to contact the administration at their secondary school for further information.