Catholic School Parent Council CSPC 2022-2023 Members

Dear Parents and Guardians:

The St. Mark Catholic School Parent Council (CSPC) Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 6:30 PM. We want to thank all the parents who were able to attend our AGM! 

On behalf of the St. Mark students, staff and community, I would like to express sincere appreciation to our out-going St. Mark Parent Council: 

St. Mark CSPC Members | 2021-2022


  • Sam Mardini, Chair
  • Catharine Kim, Treasurer
  • Martha Cumming Buchanan, Secretary

Other Voting Members:

  • Carlo Ceccarelli, Parent Representative
  • Karla Reyna, Parent Representative
  • Adrienne Waschuk, Teacher Representative
  • Melissa Ablum, Non-Teacher Representative

Their dedication, efforts and hard work in support of our St. Mark school community has had an incredible impact on our school. Thank-you! 
Please join me in welcoming and congratulating the new St. Mark CSPC for the 2022-2023 School year:

St. Mark CSPC Members | 2022-2023


  • Sam Mardini, Chair & Treasurer
  • Catharine Kim, Secretary

Other Voting Members:

  • Carlo Ceccarelli, Parent Representative
  • Ricardo Pacheco, Parent Representative
  • Adrienne Waschuk, Teacher Representative
  • Stefania Serino, Non-Teacher Representative

We look forward to a great school year with our new St. Mark CSPC! 

Katherine Van Dinter