Our School
About Us
Located in the Junction, our school aspires to cultivate an inclusive community of excellence that is rooted in faith, growth, respect and belonging.
Mission Statement
At St. Luigi, rooted in faith and community, we endeavor to nurture each child’s academic, spiritual, and personal growth in a supportive and inclusive Catholic environment.
Through strong partnerships with families, stakeholders, and our faith community, we are committed to enriching the educational experiences of our students so that they may grow and graduate as developing individuals, guided by love, justice and hope, who embody the Catholic Graduate Expectations.
How We Meet the Diverse Needs of Our Students
Our student body, ranging from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8, represents many diverse cultures, which automatically enrich the school experience for all students.
To best address the needs of all our students so that they may develop to the best of their potential, in addition to nurturing strong relationships between home, school and parish, and
delivering the mandated Ontario Curriculum, we enrich our students’ school experience by focusing on the following:
Strong focus on Language and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math)
Core French (Grade 1-8)
Music Programs: Vocal Music (JK-6), Instrumental (Grade 7-8) and Choir
Additional student supports (Special Education, Kindergarten Language Program, Guidance, Social Work, Psychology, and Speech and Language Personnel)
Co-curricular (outdoor curriculum, excursions) and extra-curricular activities (leadership team, sports, competitions, music performances)
Liturgies, celebrations, activity days, charity drives and music festivals
A universal Student Nutrition Program (SNP)
Strong partnerships with stakeholders and organizations (Spark the Arts Music Program)
Dovercourt Boys and Girls After School Program (3:00 PM to 6:00 PM)
A very active Catholic School Parent Council (CSPC) who collaborates with the school to support our students, staff, families, and the initiatives in the School Equity and Improvement Plan and Safe School Plan
Engaged parents who volunteer their time and expertise to enhance student knowledge building and participation in special events
School History and Tradition
In 1978 an addition to Perth Avenue Public School was built for the students and staff of St. Luigi Catholic School. The new facilities were opened and blessed on June 3, 1979. St. Luigi, one of the pioneer sharing facilities schools between the TDSB and TCSDB, remains an ongoing partnership to serve Catholic families in the community.
St. Luigi is named after Luigi Maria Monti (1825-1900), the founder of the “Sons of the Immaculate Conception”, who dedicated his life to serving God, to teaching and to nursing the most vulnerable.
Blessed Luigi Maria Monti's life serves as a profound testimony to the power of selflessness, compassion, and unwavering faith in God. He lived a life of true devotion, always putting others before himself.
At St. Luigi, his legacy continues to inspire us to follow in his footsteps and devote ourselves to our faith and to the service of others.