Our School
About Us
At St. Louis Catholic School, we pride ourselves on the strong partnership that exists among the home, the school and the parish.

How We Meet the Diverse Needs of Our Students
As a community of Catholic educators, we at St. Louis Catholic School are committed to the educational, emotional, and spiritual development of each child in the environment of a Catholic school through:
Religious instruction, daily prayer, liturgies and para-liturgical celebrations.
Celebrations of the liturgical seasons of the year and important feast days.
Visible signs of our faith displayed throughout the school (crucifixes, religious statues and pictures, prayer centres in each classroom).
Cooperation with the parish team in the preparation of the students for the sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist (usually in Grade 2) and Confirmation (Grade 8).
A code of behaviour which emphasizes respect for ourselves and for one another.
A safe arrival program which helps the school and the family to monitor the absences of their children.
Strong extracurricular and cocurricular programs: primary house leagues, hall displays of student work, a junior choir, Christmas concert, and school teams for volleyball, soccer, basketball, cross-country and track & field.
A school action plan developed through divisional and staff meetings throughout the year to meet the needs of the students in this community.
Daily and long range planning of the classroom curriculum by teachers.
A school-based support team and interdisciplinary team which include the special education teachers, the guidance teacher, assessment and programming teacher, psychometrician, principal and social worker, who meet several times during the year to discuss and recommend programming strategies for students with special needs.
Formal special education instruction for identified students.
Withdrawal resource instruction to provide interim or short-term assistance to students.
Guidance and social work assistance available to students and parents.
A well-equipped resource library.
Computers, both in the classroom and in the library.
School History and Tradition
St. Louis Catholic School began as a simple seven-room schoolhouse which first opened its doors on September 2, 1947. At that time it was part of the Combined Roman Catholic Separate Schools Board of the Township of Etobicoke. In the first year, there were 71 students from grades 1 to 8, with two teachers, and Sister Mary Assumpta was the first principal of St. Louis. It was she who established the school motto of “Faith, Friends and Fulfillment”.
In the years that followed, the school continued to grow. In 1962, the school gained an addition of five classrooms and a library. In 1967, St. Louis joined the Metropolitan Separate School Board (MSSB), which is now the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB). In 1968, a gymnasium and three more classrooms were added. In 1990, the original schoolhouse was torn down. Addition and renovations were completed in 1992.
St. Louis continues to grow in numbers, having more than doubled its population in recent years. The traditions of “Faith, Friends and Fulfillment” continue to be an important part of the life of the school after more than 50 years in existence.