About Us
On September 6, 1983, St. John Paul Il Catholic Secondary School opened its doors for the first time - only to be filled with 135 students. We have established a fine reputation for academic excellence. Ninety percent of our graduates go on to a successful post-secondary education.
St. John Paul Il was built in a circle enclosing a beautifully landscaped courtyard. The school has 41 classrooms, 4 science laboratories, 3 gyms, a large library, a student services area, a drama room, 2 music rooms, a drafting room, 2 tech shops, and 2 art rooms.
At the heart of the school is the chapel. The design and decorating of the chapel were paid for through funds raised by the students for this purpose. Our goal is to assist each student to achieve the highest potential for spiritual, intellectual, physical, emotional, social and moral growth.
We emphasize the building of a Christian community to which each student can feel a sense of belonging. All students are encouraged to become active in the life of the school community and, through this involvement, model the Gospel.
School History and Tradition
St. John Paul II Catholic Secondary School began on September 6, 1983 with 135 students who were taught in the former St. Bede Catholic School building and in a dozen temporary portable classrooms. By 1984, both the school population and the number of portables had doubled.
The early years of the school saw a lot of teaching happening in temporary portables, and a lot of upheaval due to construction, and this fostered a school community that was spirited, full of humour, supportive and caring. Despite the growth of our school, there remains a commitment to maintaining these values of a balanced and caring community.
In the spring of 1989, the newly constructed school building was officially opened and blessed. Our school was named for Pope John Paul II, who was canonized in 2013.