Student Success
At St. Joan of Arc Catholic Academy, Student Success is at the core of what we do every day. Through several staff committees, we examine student data and develop goals and strategies to improve our indicators of student success.
Data we consider in our determination of school needs includes:
Student pass/fail rates
Graduation rates
OSSLT results and the associated micro-data
EQAO Mathematics results and the associated micro-data
Mid-term marks in all courses
Taking Stock Report
Safe Schools survey
Transitions survey
My School, My Voice survey
Staff Reflective Practice survey
Social and economic indicators
In addition, we consider anecdotal evidence from all our staff, to ensure that every student has the best opportunity for success. The data are reviewed and analyzed and are used to develop:
Staff meeting professional development topics.
Professional Development Day themes.
The School Learning Improvement Plan.
Assembly talking points for the information of students.
Strategies to best utilize the Student Success staffing allocation.