Our School
About Us
The St. James Catholic School Community is Christ-centered and encourages students to learn to the best of their ability. We pride ourselves on providing a safe and welcoming environment for our students as we build our Catholic community. We begin with a strong focus on the curriculum and make adjustments for individual needs.
Our programs include but are not limited to:
Instruction for students from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8.
Vocal music (Kindergarten to Grade 5).
Instrumental music grades (Grades 6 to 8).
English as a Second Language Classes (Grades 4 to 8).
An enrichment program on a withdrawal basis for pupils identified as Gifted.
Lexia (reading intervention program).
Core French (Grades 1 to 8).
Extracurricular activities.
We strive to keep all stakeholders informed via this website, our monthly newsletter (which informs the community of upcoming celebrations, reports and events), monthly calendars, classroom letters, phone calls and School Messenger.
Our aim is to build a community that is based on:
A sense of belonging.
As we journey together as a faith community, consisting of students, parents, staff and church, we:
Strive for excellence.
Commit ourselves to live our vision.
Acknowledge our uniqueness, gifts, and talents of our diverse community.
Strive to create an atmosphere which nurtures our Catholic Faith.
As a Catholic community, one of our foremost tasks is to provide an environment in which we strive to base our actions, words and beliefs on the examples that Jesus modelled.
In our diverse population, we work to meet each student’s spiritual, academic, social and emotional needs. We realize that all our students learn at different rates and in different ways, and we strive to ensure that all our students achieve success. To help our students achieve success, certain lessons may be modified, accommodated or enriched to suit their learning needs. These programmes are discussed and implemented via our on site staff through our School-Based Support Team (SBST) and our readily available special services team via Joint Team Meetings (JTM).
Students with special needs are identified formally, via an assessment process, and students’ needs are met in our community. Our parents are informed of programme modifications via verbal and written communication by staff and principal.
School life fills an important social and emotional need for our children. Relationship is an important value. We also realize that our students need to be active and this is provided during Daily Physical Activity, Physical Education Classes and opportunities for extracurricular sports.
As with any community we grow, develop, and change. This growth and development always includes all stakeholders: students, staff, parents, church and the community at large.
We are a small school with a big heart!