About Us
At St. Gerald Catholic School, we pride ourselves on the strong partnership that exists among the home, the school and the parish.

How We Meet the Diverse Needs of Our Students
The nurturing of a Catholic environment is of paramount importance in our school. It is why we exist as a Catholic school system and what makes us a “school with a difference”.
While the teaching of the formal religious education program at all grade levels is central to this process, the creation of a Catholic environment depends on much more than this: it includes the attitudes and interactions with others that are predicated on each individual's infinite value in the sight of God. Therefore, dignity and respect for others is the hallmark of our interactions.
Our school community is made aware of the Gospel message in many different ways. Formal and informal prayer is an integral part of school life whether it be in classrooms, before meetings or in our liturgical and paraliturgical celebrations either in the church or in the school. Displays within the school, the tone of assemblies, our involvement in charitable endeavours, our emphasis on the importance of being models of peacemakers, all challenge us as a community to develop and model these Catholic values.
The presence of the parish in the life of the school is significant. The clergy is visible in our classrooms and in our staff room. The school collaborates with Holy Spirit Parish - and they with us - in many different ways, but none is more important than the assistance our staff provides to the parish in the preparation of the children to receive the sacraments.
We are constantly striving to provide a safe and welcoming learning environment throughout our community. Health and safety issues are highlighted in our communication with staff, students and their families. School safety and behaviour are emphasized predicated on dignity and respect for all. Our school exemplifies an understanding and caring concern for others.
Our efforts are concentrating on the development of program outcomes. Each classroom has at least one computer and many have multiple computers.
Modifications in program continue to be important given the diversity of language, learning needs, and social considerations. This is addressed in the regular program and through our special education services and program.
St. Gerald Catholic School offers a very strong cocurricular and extracurricular program. This includes a house league program, general knowledge tournaments, competitive sports program, multicultural activities, language festivals, public speaking, Carnival, chess team, skating, environmental programs, authors, artists in the school, charity drives, a wide variety of excursions and outdoor education weeks.
Mission Statement
The Catholic community of St. Gerald Catholic School believes that by demonstrating our faith in God and our respect in each other, we can create a safe, caring and collaborative environment that promotes life-long learning and celebrates the uniqueness of all individuals.
School History and Tradition
St. Gerald Catholic School was opened in September 1968 and has served the northeast community of Willowdale with distinction. Our school is named after St. Gerald of Mayo, who was born in England and travelled to Ireland, where he became Abbot over two monasteries of both English and Irish monks. As the Abbot of Mayo, St. Gerald brought peace to the feuding monks, and was the mainstay of good relations between the Christians and the Druids of early Ireland. Through his prayers and example, he helped many people to lead more peaceful and loving lives, and for this, he was recognized as a saint. St. Gerald's feast day is celebrated on March 13.