About Us
The catechetical program, as approved by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, is the foundation for the instructional program in religious education at St. Florence Catholic School. As Catholic educators, we model Christian values which set the tone for the school. We pray daily as a community and we work with the church helping the students to prepare for sacraments and celebrate school masses. Among a variety of strategies employed to ensure a Catholic environment, we practise the spiritual and corporal works of mercy, such as participation in food drives, the ShareLife campaign and the support of families in need within the local community. These actions are encouraged as gestures of Gospel values at work and are essential for reinforcing with the students that our Catholic beliefs need to be reflected in all aspects of our daily life.
A safe and welcoming learning environment is fostered by following the guidelines from the Safe Schools Act which was established in 2001. We have a Safe Arrival Program which monitors daily attendance. Through cooperative parent-school communications, parents advise the school if their child will be absent, and school staff monitor attendance. For the safety of all the students, all visitors must first report to the office and sign in the Visitor Binder and obtain a Visitor Pass before going to any part of the school. Children leaving early or coming in late must be signed in/out at the office.
Within the school, every effort is made to attend to the health and safety of the students. We appreciate parents notifying us of health conditions which may affect their child at school. Some of the students have a severe and life threatening allergy to nuts/peanuts. Therefore, we ask that no food, including snacks, be sent to school containing nuts. We also do not want food sent for birthdays and request that parents speak to their children about sharing food with other students. We also strive to keep parents and guardians informed of issues and situations which impact on their child's health and safety. It is our hope and desire that all families will feel welcome when entering the school.
Clear expectations for student behaviour are another important element of school life. A consistent and firm application of the school’s Code of Conduct is achieved through collaboration and consultation. The Progressive Discipline model is followed to allow for consistent and logical consequences, rather than punitive measures, so that students learn that they can control their own behaviour by making appropriate choices. Consequences must have a positive effect on the student’s journey through reconciliation, either formally or informally with the school community and those affected by the person’s behaviour. The responsibility for a safe school and the education of appropriate social behaviour that is founded on Gospel values is everyone’s duty.
Meeting the Diverse Needs of Our Students
At St. Florence Catholic School, we believe in the uniqueness of every child. We recognize that children have individual talents and their own special needs. We strive to assist the students to “be the best they can be”, growing in Christian values, self-esteem and respect for themselves and others.
Fostering a safe and welcoming learning environment which is an example of Christian community is a vital part of the Mission statement of the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB). Daily attendance monitoring is one example of this mission in action. Through cooperative parent-school communications, parents advise the school if their child will be absent, and school staff monitor attendance patterns and alert the family of their observations. We are pleased to provide information about our school and community, to make introductions and to maintain collaborative communications.
General guidelines for student deportment are presented to the students in a variety of formats, including at student assemblies, in newsletters and announcements, and during classroom discussions. Regular review and reinforcement take place throughout the year. The violence prevention policy of the TCDSB reflects our serious commitment to the well-being of all members of the school community.
Standards are being developed to assist in evaluating student progress. St. Florence Catholic School has undertaken reviews of its mathematics and language arts programs in order to help meet the needs of its students. As part of our resolve to enhance technological education and computer literacy, there has been ongoing staff in-service, the acquisition of new equipment and emphasis on improving computer skills.
To help meet the needs of individual students, teachers modify programs within the regular class, consult with other staff and meet resource personnel assigned to the school. Special programs support students with particular needs.
A full range of extra-curricular activities is available to students. For those with an artistic bent, there are choirs. The chess and W5H teams provide an excellent opportunity for students talented in these areas to develop and hone their interests. House leagues offer good fun, sportsmanship and friendly competition. We are proud of the achievements of our volleyball, track and field, and cross-country teams.
School History and Tradition
St. Florence Catholic School opened its doors to the community in January 1979, with a new building and an enthusiastic group of staff and students. The official opening and solemn blessing of the new school took place on June 12, 1980.
Our community has a rich diversity of individuals drawn from all over the world. This cultural mix is important to us, for each individual contributes their life experiences within the unifying bond of our common Catholic faith.
The spirit of the school is founded on devotion to Catholicity and the message of the Gospel.